Based on the development of computer technology, its development can be divided into 5 Generation:
1. The First Generation (1940-1959)
2. Second Generation (1959-1964)
3. The Third Generation (1964 to 1970)
4. Fourth Generation (Since 1970)
5. Fifth Generation (Present)
First Generation Computer
The first generation computers used for scientific tujaun. Because of the enormous size, imprecision of data processing and the price is high, many feel that the computer will be a tool that is used for scientific purposes only forever, not for a pSecond generation computerublic purpose.This first generation computers used vacuum tubes to process and store data, so that it becomes hot quickly and easily combustible. Therefore we need thousands of vacuum tubes to run the entire operation of the computer. It also requires a lot of electrical energy which may cause electrical disturbances in the surrounding region. The first generation of computers is 100% electronic and help experts in solving problems with the calculations quickly and accurately. The first generation computers have the following characteristics:
1. In this generai computer is still a lot of heat.
2. Using elektronikanya components made of Vacuum Tubes (Vacuum Tube).
3. The program is made in machine language (Machine Language), whose program is stored in computer memory.
4. Utuk mengoprasikannya also require considerable electrical force.
5. The capacity provided for penyimpannan data is very small and limited.
6. The program still uses a machine language using codes 0 and 1 in a certain order.
7. The process is relatively slow.
8. Has the size or shape that is so great that it needs a room wide enough only to put this computer.
9. The main orientation in business applications.
10. Using an external system of magnetic tape and magnetic disk.
Some examples of first generation computers:
1. The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical And Calculator)Designed by Dr. John Mauchly and Presper Eckert in 1946. This computer has begun storing data that is known as the concept of data storage (stored program concept) proposed by John Von Neuman
ENIAC was the first electronic computer in the world that has a heavy weight 30 tons, length 30 M and 2.4 M and require high electrical power 174 kilowatts. This first generation computers using vacuum tubes (vacuum-tube) glass for a signal amplifier. But it still has many obstacles such as: easy to break, and quickly distribute the heat.
2. EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer)The use of vacuum tube has begun to be reduced in the design of the EDVAC computer, where the calculation process becomes faster than the ENIAC.
3. EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator)Began to introduce the use of mercury (mercury) in a tube for storing data.
4. UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Calculator)Designed in 1951 by Dr. Mauchly and Eckert. This computer is the first computer used to process trade data.
5. UNIVAC IIThe manufacturer Sperry-Univac Rand
6. Datamatic 1000Manufacturer Honeywell
7. Mark II, Mark III, IBM 702, IBM 704, IBM 709Manufacturer International Business Machines
8. CRC, NCR 102A, 102D NCRManufacturer National Cash Registers
The manufacturer RCA
Second generation computer
the invention of the transistor greatly are affecting the development of the computer at the time. Transistors can replace vacuum tubes. And it is certainly altering all sizes of electrical machines. The transistor used in computers around the 1956's. Another invention is the development of magnetic-core memory to help the development of second generation computers smaller, faster, more reliable, and more energy efficient than the first generation of computers.
The development of second generation computers have the following characteristics:
> The program can be made with high-level languages (high level language), such as FORTRAN, COBOL, ALGOL.
> Main memory capacity is already quite large
> Sirkutinya is a transistor.
> The physical size of the computer smaller than the first generation computer
> Does not require too much electricity
> Oriented business and engineering
> The process has been fast operation
Computer Second Generation Among them:
1959. The PDP-1
DEC company (Didital Equipment Corporation) with its founder Ken Olsen with his brother Stan Olsen and Harlan Anderson demonstrates the PDP-1 computer. Other second-generation computers were introduced in 1959 is Honeywell 400.
Virtual memory method proposed by a group in Manchester London and roughly began in the early 1970s many computers that apply.
DEC company began selling mini computers that PDP-5, followed by the PDP-8, which is regarded as a successful mini kompouter.
Other second-generation computers, namely:
2. Burroughs 200
3. IBM 7070, IBM 7080, IBM 1400, 1600 IOBM
4. NRC 300
5. Honeywell 400, 800 Honeywell
6. CDC 1604, CDC 106A.
7. GE 635, GE 645, 6E 200
The third-generation computers
The transistor is considered inefficient longer makes scientists look for other alternatives and later found on a stone quartz (Quartz rock). Jack Kilby, an engineer at Texas Instruments, developed the integrated circuit (IC: integrated circuit) in 1958. This is an innovation that could boost the emergence of third generation computers.
Integrated Circuit (IC) into use in 1965. IC combined three electronic components onto a small silicon disc made of quartz sand. Scientists later managed to fit more components into a single chip, called a semiconductor. The results are computers become smaller as more components were squeezed onto the chip. Other third-generation development is pengguanaan Operating System (OS) that lets one computer do the many different programs at once with a central program that monitored and coordinated the computer's memory.
Has the following characteristics:
1. The components used are IC (Integrated Cicuits) which bebentuk intgrated hybrid circuits and monolithic circuits intgrated.
2. Improvement of the software.
3. More quickly and precisely even 10000 times faster than the first generation.
4. The capacity of the larger computer memory, can store hundreds of thousands of characters.
5. Using external storage is random access.
6. The use of electricity more efficient than previous generations of computers.
7. Allow to do multiprocessing.
8. Development of input and output devices that use visual display terminal that can display pictures and graphics.
9. The price is getting cheaper as compared to the previous generation of computers.
10. Ability to communicate data from one computer to another computer.
The third generation of computers which are
1. The UNIVAC 1108, UNIVAC 9000
3. NCR Century series.
4. GE 600, GE 235.
5. CDC 3000, CDC 6000, CDC 7000
6. The PDP-8, the PDP-11
16-bit minicomputer first sold in 1969 under the name NOVA developed since 1968 by the company Data General Corporation.
8. IBM System / 360 (S / 360)
a mainframe computer family system announced by IBM on April 7 1964.Itu is the first family of computers designed to cover the complete application, from small to large, both commercially and scientifically. Design makes a clear distinction between the architecture and implementation.
Once the IC is found, the more rapid development of computers. Computer fourth generation semiconductor memory is characterized by the rapid, small size and power requirements are smaller. After IC, pengembanagan that shrink the size of circuits and electrical components. Large Scale Integration (LSI) could fit hundreds of components onto one chip. 1980s Very large scale integration (VLSI) contains thousands of single chip. Ultra-Large Scale Integration (ULSI) increased that number into the millions. Ability separately install so many components in a chip-sized half-dime helped diminish the size and price of computers. It certainly increased their power, efficiency and reliability of the computer.
In 1981, IBM introduced the use of Personal Computer (PC) for use in homes, offices and schools. Furthermore, the computer continues its evolution to a size smaller than a laptop and a desktop computer into a palmtop (handheld computer).
Along with the proliferation of computer usage the new ways to explore the potential to be developed. Computers began to be linked together in a network to share a memory, software, information, and to communicate with each other. Computer network allows a single computer to form electronic co-operation to complete an assignment process. With mengguanakan direct cabling (LAN) or a wired telephone network can become very large.
1975 SUPER COMPUTER FIRST COMMERCIALComputers Cray-I was sent to Los Alamos Laboratories which is a super computer (supercomputer) of the first commercial.
1977 FIRST LOCAL AREA NETWORKPerusaahan Datapoint Corporation announced ARCNET which is a Local Area Network. LAN is a computer network that is interconnected with each other are connected by cable in a local area.
1977. THE FIRST PERSONAL COMPUTERSince 1977 microcomputer is a very important development in the computer world. Microcomputer since it has a physical form which yangkecil and cheap price can be affordable by the community that is called by the name of the personal computer. In 1977, the personal computer has been circulating in the market that Apple II Computer, Radio shack and Commodore.Apple II computer was developed from the first Apple computer since 1976. Until 1979 had sold about 400000 units of personal computers and has hundreds of companies that produce personalized with a company name A to Z are: Apple, Altos, Altari, Basic Four Corporation, Casio , Coomodore Bussiness Machines, Compaq, Dynabyte, Epson, GRiD Systems Corporation, heath, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Intel Corporation, Kypro, Mattel Mis Corporation, Nipon Electronic Company, north Star, Ohio Scientific Instruments, Osborne, Processor Technologhy, Sinclair trandy Corporation / Radio Shack, televideo, Texas Instruments, Vector Graphics, Victor, Wang Laboratories, Xerox, Xenith and others.
1978. COMPUTER SYSTEMS WINDOW AND USING THE FIRST MOUSEXerox Corporation introduced the computer on the table that can display multiple forms on the screen at once in the form of a window (the window) and using a mouse first. Now the latest systems that many mernggunakan the idea.
1981. IBM PC COMPUTER FIRSTIn 1981, IBM introduced the micro computer called the IBM personal computer. This computer is a huge success in the market. Until the end of 1982, some 835 000 IBM PC sold. IBM introduced the first PC XT series is given, that is known as the IBM PC / XT. This computer uses an Intel microprocessor manufactured the Intel 8088 with a speed of up to 8 MHz. The amount of RAM used is equal to 128 Kb to 640 Kb to 10 Mb hard drive capacity and a 5 ¼ "floppy disks with a capacity of 360 Kb. The operating system used for this computer is MS. DOS or PC DOS.
1984. IBM PC / ATIBM PC / AT (Advanced Technology) which introduced a series continuation of the IBM PC / XT. IBM PC / AT using the Intel 80286 micropocessor speed of 8 MHz, 256 Kb of RAM up to 3 Mb, hard disk with a capacity of 20 Mb, floppy diameter 5 ¼ "with a capacity of 1.2 Mb and use the PC operating system DOS or MS DOS.
1984. Macintosh GUI AND FIRSTApple computer company introduced a product called the Apple Macintosh in 1984. This computer became famous yanf computer because it is very easy to use and uses the concept of GUI (using the WIMP interface that is using the Windows system with a pointing device such as a mouse) to select options in menus option or in the form of icons.
1987. IBM PS / 2Was introduced in 1987 using the Intel 8086 microprocessor with a speed of 10 MHz.
1988. IBM PC / 386 32 BIT COMPUTER FIRSTThe next series of the IBM PC / AT is an IBM PC / 386 uses the Intel 80386 microprocesor which is a 32 bit computer first.1990. IBM PC / 486This computer uses an Intel 80486 microprocessor with a speed of 25 to 66 MHz.
1997. PENTIUM IIIn May 1997 the company introduced the Intel Pentium II microprocessor as a continuation of the series pentium. Intel Pentium II has a series of 233 MHz, 266 MHz Intel Pentium, Intel Pentium 300 mhz.
1998. AMD K6 3DIntel's competitor AMD launched the AMD K6 3D in 1998. This processor memopunyai ability to process 3-dimensional graphics applications faster than previous processors.
Computers these days are already more sophisticated both in terms of capability that has grown very significantly, shape is getting adjusted in accordance with the needs and already required in various aspects for business or for the benefit of education.
Intel Core 2 Duo
In mid-2006 Intel released the Intel Core 2 Duo. At that time named Conroe and Allendale. System operation is the same as the Intel Dual Core, but the difference is in the number of transistors. This is what makes Intel Core 2 Duo is faster than the Intel Dual Core. And Intel Core 2 Duo is much more efficient than the previous series in terms of executing instructions.
Quad-core Intel Xeon X3210 / X3220
AMD Athlon 64 Family
AMD has three types of processors with different performance. Namely, Athlon 64 and FX Series, also Sempron. Although the three have the same basic technology, but some of the features and prices offered have significant differences.
Basically, the AMD Athlon 64 processor is capable of producing a high speed to applications that use a lot of floating point and needs a large bandwidth.
AMD Athlon 64
In this processor has two versions. The first version of which still use single-channel memory. Namely Athlon 64 using socket 75. While the latter using socket 939 and already has a dual-channel memory technology. For the price, of course Athlon 64 754 have a cheaper price than the 939. Both have 1 MB of L2 cache, while the speed offered range from 2.4 GHz to 3.0 GHz.
Integrated Circuit (IC) into use in 1965. IC combined three electronic components onto a small silicon disc made of quartz sand. Scientists later managed to fit more components into a single chip, called a semiconductor. The results are computers become smaller as more components were squeezed onto the chip. Other third-generation development is pengguanaan Operating System (OS) that lets one computer do the many different programs at once with a central program that monitored and coordinated the computer's memory.
Has the following characteristics:
1. The components used are IC (Integrated Cicuits) which bebentuk intgrated hybrid circuits and monolithic circuits intgrated.
2. Improvement of the software.
3. More quickly and precisely even 10000 times faster than the first generation.
4. The capacity of the larger computer memory, can store hundreds of thousands of characters.
5. Using external storage is random access.
6. The use of electricity more efficient than previous generations of computers.
7. Allow to do multiprocessing.
8. Development of input and output devices that use visual display terminal that can display pictures and graphics.
9. The price is getting cheaper as compared to the previous generation of computers.
10. Ability to communicate data from one computer to another computer.
The third generation of computers which are
1. The UNIVAC 1108, UNIVAC 9000
3. NCR Century series.
4. GE 600, GE 235.
5. CDC 3000, CDC 6000, CDC 7000
6. The PDP-8, the PDP-11
16-bit minicomputer first sold in 1969 under the name NOVA developed since 1968 by the company Data General Corporation.
8. IBM System / 360 (S / 360)
a mainframe computer family system announced by IBM on April 7 1964.Itu is the first family of computers designed to cover the complete application, from small to large, both commercially and scientifically. Design makes a clear distinction between the architecture and implementation.
Once the IC is found, the more rapid development of computers. Computer fourth generation semiconductor memory is characterized by the rapid, small size and power requirements are smaller. After IC, pengembanagan that shrink the size of circuits and electrical components. Large Scale Integration (LSI) could fit hundreds of components onto one chip. 1980s Very large scale integration (VLSI) contains thousands of single chip. Ultra-Large Scale Integration (ULSI) increased that number into the millions. Ability separately install so many components in a chip-sized half-dime helped diminish the size and price of computers. It certainly increased their power, efficiency and reliability of the computer.
4004 chip made in 1971, took the IC with all the components of a
computer (central processing unit, memory, and control input / output)
in a very small chip. Previously, the IC is made to do a certain task specific. Now, a microprocessor can be manufactured and then programmed to meet all the requirements. Not
long after, everyday household items such as microwave ovens,
televisions, and automobiles with electronic fuel injection equipped
with microprocessors. Such developments allow ordinary people to use a regular computer. Computers are no longer a dominance of large corporations or government agencies. In the mid-1970s, computer assemblers offer their computer products to the general public. Computers computers, called minicomputers, sold with a software package that is easy to use by the layman. The software is most popular at the time was word processing and spreadsheet programs. Whereas in the 1980s such as the Atari 2600 video game consumer
interest for more sophisticated home commuter and can be programmed.
In 1981, IBM introduced the use of Personal Computer (PC) for use in homes, offices and schools. Furthermore, the computer continues its evolution to a size smaller than a laptop and a desktop computer into a palmtop (handheld computer).
Along with the proliferation of computer usage the new ways to explore the potential to be developed. Computers began to be linked together in a network to share a memory, software, information, and to communicate with each other. Computer network allows a single computer to form electronic co-operation to complete an assignment process. With mengguanakan direct cabling (LAN) or a wired telephone network can become very large.
COMPUTER FIRST FOURTH GENERATIONIBM has been using the LSI 370 which is the first fourth-generation computers.
1971. FIRST MICROPROCESSORTechnical experts at Intel Corporation has successfully developed a
microprocessor chip called the Intel call 4004 4004. Company as
Microprogramable Computer on a Chip.
Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS) Altair microcomputer
Corporation produced the first commercially sold in kit form for $ 400.
This micro computer uses an Intel 8080 microprocessor made by companies.
1975 SUPER COMPUTER FIRST COMMERCIALComputers Cray-I was sent to Los Alamos Laboratories which is a super computer (supercomputer) of the first commercial.
1977 FIRST LOCAL AREA NETWORKPerusaahan Datapoint Corporation announced ARCNET which is a Local Area Network. LAN is a computer network that is interconnected with each other are connected by cable in a local area.
1977. THE FIRST PERSONAL COMPUTERSince 1977 microcomputer is a very important development in the computer world. Microcomputer since it has a physical form which yangkecil and cheap price can be affordable by the community that is called by the name of the personal computer. In 1977, the personal computer has been circulating in the market that Apple II Computer, Radio shack and Commodore.Apple II computer was developed from the first Apple computer since 1976. Until 1979 had sold about 400000 units of personal computers and has hundreds of companies that produce personalized with a company name A to Z are: Apple, Altos, Altari, Basic Four Corporation, Casio , Coomodore Bussiness Machines, Compaq, Dynabyte, Epson, GRiD Systems Corporation, heath, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Intel Corporation, Kypro, Mattel Mis Corporation, Nipon Electronic Company, north Star, Ohio Scientific Instruments, Osborne, Processor Technologhy, Sinclair trandy Corporation / Radio Shack, televideo, Texas Instruments, Vector Graphics, Victor, Wang Laboratories, Xerox, Xenith and others.
1978. COMPUTER SYSTEMS WINDOW AND USING THE FIRST MOUSEXerox Corporation introduced the computer on the table that can display multiple forms on the screen at once in the form of a window (the window) and using a mouse first. Now the latest systems that many mernggunakan the idea.
1981. IBM PC COMPUTER FIRSTIn 1981, IBM introduced the micro computer called the IBM personal computer. This computer is a huge success in the market. Until the end of 1982, some 835 000 IBM PC sold. IBM introduced the first PC XT series is given, that is known as the IBM PC / XT. This computer uses an Intel microprocessor manufactured the Intel 8088 with a speed of up to 8 MHz. The amount of RAM used is equal to 128 Kb to 640 Kb to 10 Mb hard drive capacity and a 5 ¼ "floppy disks with a capacity of 360 Kb. The operating system used for this computer is MS. DOS or PC DOS.
1984. IBM PC / ATIBM PC / AT (Advanced Technology) which introduced a series continuation of the IBM PC / XT. IBM PC / AT using the Intel 80286 micropocessor speed of 8 MHz, 256 Kb of RAM up to 3 Mb, hard disk with a capacity of 20 Mb, floppy diameter 5 ¼ "with a capacity of 1.2 Mb and use the PC operating system DOS or MS DOS.
1984. Macintosh GUI AND FIRSTApple computer company introduced a product called the Apple Macintosh in 1984. This computer became famous yanf computer because it is very easy to use and uses the concept of GUI (using the WIMP interface that is using the Windows system with a pointing device such as a mouse) to select options in menus option or in the form of icons.
1987. IBM PS / 2Was introduced in 1987 using the Intel 8086 microprocessor with a speed of 10 MHz.
1988. IBM PC / 386 32 BIT COMPUTER FIRSTThe next series of the IBM PC / AT is an IBM PC / 386 uses the Intel 80386 microprocesor which is a 32 bit computer first.1990. IBM PC / 486This computer uses an Intel 80486 microprocessor with a speed of 25 to 66 MHz.
1997. PENTIUM IIIn May 1997 the company introduced the Intel Pentium II microprocessor as a continuation of the series pentium. Intel Pentium II has a series of 233 MHz, 266 MHz Intel Pentium, Intel Pentium 300 mhz.
1998. AMD K6 3DIntel's competitor AMD launched the AMD K6 3D in 1998. This processor memopunyai ability to process 3-dimensional graphics applications faster than previous processors.
IBM Personal Computer XT, often disingkatIBM XT, PC XT, or simply XT, IBM is the successor to the original IBM PC. It was released as IBM product number 5160 on March 8, 1983, and comes standard with a hard drive. It is based on the same basic architecture with the original PC, with only incremental improvements, a 16-bit bus architectures will follow in AT. XT is primarily intended as an improved machine for business use, and the corresponding 3270 PC featuring 3270 terminal emulation was released later in October 1983. XT stands for X -tended T echnology.Singkatan XT X-tended T echnology.
Computers these days are already more sophisticated both in terms of capability that has grown very significantly, shape is getting adjusted in accordance with the needs and already required in various aspects for business or for the benefit of education.
most computers on the fifth generation is developed to focus on hardware found on the CPU in order to adjust the program or software is needed. the general development of computers today can be seen from the development of microprocessor components
following the development of microprocessors that exist at the moment:
following the development of microprocessors that exist at the moment:
Pentium IIThe main processor features:1. speeds ranging from 233MHz to 450MHz (in 1999)2. Suitable for workstations and servers3. Using a single edge contact cartridge, 242 pins4. Including 512KB level two cache5. 32KB of level one cache is divided into 16KB data and 16KB instruction cachePentium ProThis processor circuit suitable for high-end servers that require up to 4 processors. Features it has:1. suitable for high-end workstations and servers2. speed of 150, 166, 180 and 200MHz3. can be scaled up to four processors in a multiprocessor system4. optimized to be able to run 32-bit applications.5. 8K / 8K separate data and instruction level one cacheCerelon ProcessorCerelon Processor is designed for use in the home consumer market. This processor features:1. The speed ranges from 266 to 500MHz (in 1999)2. Similar to the Pentium II processor3. 300 and 333MHz versions include 128K of level two cache4. The level one cache 32K (consisting of 16K instruction and 16K data)5. includes MMX technologyPentium III ProcessorBased on the P6 micro-architecture, the Intel MMX media are enhanced with the provision of Streaming SIMD Extensions. Diaman
there are 70 new instructions that enable advanced image depiction, 3D
graphics, audio and video, and the introduction of the conversation. New feature is the processor serial number, which is an electronic
number that is added to every Pentium III, which can be used by IT
departments for information management / asset.This processor features:1. speeds ranging from 450MHz, 500MHz, 550MHz and 600MHz (in 1999)2. 70 new instructions3. Intel® Processor Serial Number4. P6 microarchitecture5. 100MHz system bus6. 512K Level Two Cache7. Intel® 440BX chipset
Intel Pentium 4 Family and next generation
Commonly called Pentium 4. Although in one family but have a different speed. Likewise, the socket being used. Most used version Pentium 4 is using the socket 478. In its latest version has been using socket LGA 775 motherboards to support some of the latest release
Is the first generation Pentium 4 that has 1 MB of L2 cache and has a speed of 3.8 GHz. However, in this processor has a significant constraint, which ... has a fairly high heat. And the processor does not support the operating system and 64-bit applications. The good aspect, this processor does have a good performance to support the needs multiaplikasi and gaming.
Commonly called Pentium 4. Although in one family but have a different speed. Likewise, the socket being used. Most used version Pentium 4 is using the socket 478. In its latest version has been using socket LGA 775 motherboards to support some of the latest release
Is the first generation Pentium 4 that has 1 MB of L2 cache and has a speed of 3.8 GHz. However, in this processor has a significant constraint, which ... has a fairly high heat. And the processor does not support the operating system and 64-bit applications. The good aspect, this processor does have a good performance to support the needs multiaplikasi and gaming.
Pentium 4 Extreme Edition
Is a premium line of processors from Intel, for desktop PC CPU. Most recently also been using socket LGA 775 and goes above 3.46 GHz with 512 K L2 cache features coupled with 2 MB L3 cache and a FSB of 1066 MHz. He is also available in a 64-bit CPU.
Is a premium line of processors from Intel, for desktop PC CPU. Most recently also been using socket LGA 775 and goes above 3.46 GHz with 512 K L2 cache features coupled with 2 MB L3 cache and a FSB of 1066 MHz. He is also available in a 64-bit CPU.
Pentium D
Intel CPU family that has a dual-core architecture. Some series are already available, including the Pentium D 840, 830, and 820 are clocked from 2.80 to 3.20 GHz with a 800 MHz FSB. With its L2 cache 2 × 1 Mb. With dual-core processors, expected to perform data processing with a shorter time. In addition, this processor has been equipped with EMT64T (Extended Memory 64 Technology) that supports the operating system and 64-bit applications.
Intel CPU family that has a dual-core architecture. Some series are already available, including the Pentium D 840, 830, and 820 are clocked from 2.80 to 3.20 GHz with a 800 MHz FSB. With its L2 cache 2 × 1 Mb. With dual-core processors, expected to perform data processing with a shorter time. In addition, this processor has been equipped with EMT64T (Extended Memory 64 Technology) that supports the operating system and 64-bit applications.
dual Core
In 2005, Intel sold its first dual-core products. From the name we can take the conclusion that this type of processors working with two core processors in a single processor. Each of these core processor speed is the same as before, but all the process is divided into two core count, so the count process go faster.
In 2005, Intel sold its first dual-core products. From the name we can take the conclusion that this type of processors working with two core processors in a single processor. Each of these core processor speed is the same as before, but all the process is divided into two core count, so the count process go faster.
Intel Core 2 Duo
In mid-2006 Intel released the Intel Core 2 Duo. At that time named Conroe and Allendale. System operation is the same as the Intel Dual Core, but the difference is in the number of transistors. This is what makes Intel Core 2 Duo is faster than the Intel Dual Core. And Intel Core 2 Duo is much more efficient than the previous series in terms of executing instructions.
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600
Processor for desktop type and is used in people who want more power than the computers that he had to have two cores with 2.4GHz configuration with 8MB of L2 cache (up to 4MB accessible for each core), 1.06GHz front-side bus, and thermal design power (TDP).
Processor for desktop type and is used in people who want more power than the computers that he had to have two cores with 2.4GHz configuration with 8MB of L2 cache (up to 4MB accessible for each core), 1.06GHz front-side bus, and thermal design power (TDP).
Quad-core Intel Xeon X3210 / X3220
Processor is used for the type of server and has two cores with each having a configuration 2:13 and 2.4GHz, respectively, with 8MB of L2 cache (4MB accessed can achieve for each core), 1.06GHz front-side bus, and thermal design power (TDP).
AMD Athlon 64 Family
AMD has three types of processors with different performance. Namely, Athlon 64 and FX Series, also Sempron. Although the three have the same basic technology, but some of the features and prices offered have significant differences.
Basically, the AMD Athlon 64 processor is capable of producing a high speed to applications that use a lot of floating point and needs a large bandwidth.
AMD Athlon 64
In this processor has two versions. The first version of which still use single-channel memory. Namely Athlon 64 using socket 75. While the latter using socket 939 and already has a dual-channel memory technology. For the price, of course Athlon 64 754 have a cheaper price than the 939. Both have 1 MB of L2 cache, while the speed offered range from 2.4 GHz to 3.0 GHz.
Athlon 64 FX
This processor is a processor that is most appropriate to support the gamers, because in addition equipped with 1 MB L2 cache with the lowest speed offered by 2.6 GHz. On both output processor AMD Athlon 64 or Athlon 64 FX supports applications and 64-bit operating system. And now AMD has released dual-core processor, the AMD Athlon 64 X2, still using 939+ socket.
This processor is a processor that is most appropriate to support the gamers, because in addition equipped with 1 MB L2 cache with the lowest speed offered by 2.6 GHz. On both output processor AMD Athlon 64 or Athlon 64 FX supports applications and 64-bit operating system. And now AMD has released dual-core processor, the AMD Athlon 64 X2, still using 939+ socket.
Intel Core i3
The Core i3 was intended to be a new entry-level processors from Intel, following the retirement of the Core 2.
The first terrace i3 processor was launched on January 7, 2010 with an integrated GPU and two cores. The same processor Also will be available as Core i5 and Pentium, with slightly different configurations. The same processor will also be available as a Core i5 and Pentium, with a slightly different configuration.
The I3-3xxM Core processor is based on Arrandale, the mobile version of Clarkdale desktop processors. They will be similar to the Core i5 4xx series but running at lower clock speeds and without Turbo boost.
According to some sources, there are Core 2 processor based Yorkfield, Wolfdale and Penyrin can also get rebranded to Core i3
The Core i3 was intended to be a new entry-level processors from Intel, following the retirement of the Core 2.
The first terrace i3 processor was launched on January 7, 2010 with an integrated GPU and two cores. The same processor Also will be available as Core i5 and Pentium, with slightly different configurations. The same processor will also be available as a Core i5 and Pentium, with a slightly different configuration.
The I3-3xxM Core processor is based on Arrandale, the mobile version of Clarkdale desktop processors. They will be similar to the Core i5 4xx series but running at lower clock speeds and without Turbo boost.
According to some sources, there are Core 2 processor based Yorkfield, Wolfdale and Penyrin can also get rebranded to Core i3
Core i5
based on the Nehalem microarchitecture. The Core i5 first introduced on September 8, 2009 and is a major variant of the i7, initially only the core desktop quad-core processor based Lynnfield, with dual-core mobile (Arrandale) and desktop processor (Clarkdale) after 2010.
based on the Nehalem microarchitecture. The Core i5 first introduced on September 8, 2009 and is a major variant of the i7, initially only the core desktop quad-core processor based Lynnfield, with dual-core mobile (Arrandale) and desktop processor (Clarkdale) after 2010.
Core i7
In 2009, a new model based on the Core i7 Lynnfield quad-core desktop processors and quad-core Clarksfield mobile is added, and models based on the Arrandale dual-core mobile processor that has been announced. The addition of the first six-core Core processor lineup will be the Gulftown processor, which was launched on March 16, 2010.
In 2009, a new model based on the Core i7 Lynnfield quad-core desktop processors and quad-core Clarksfield mobile is added, and models based on the Arrandale dual-core mobile processor that has been announced. The addition of the first six-core Core processor lineup will be the Gulftown processor, which was launched on March 16, 2010.