

RAM functions or also known as Random Access Memory unit itself is a temporary data storage area needed by the processor and other units such as HDD and VGA to USB to communicate and perform computing tasks.

Because the function of this RAM is the first track processor, chipset and all other hardware devices to communicate, then the RAM as a "storage" has read and write speeds are much faster than the HDD even SSD. The greater the capacity of the RAM, will be relieved and fast our system.

SINGLE CHANNEL is a configuration of RAM with the number one chip alone, sedangan DUAL CHANNEL has a configuration of two pieces, in interaction with channel 64-bit computing at an OS (operating system), * Windows to language

Dual-channel architecture memory (RAM) describes a motherboard technology that effectively doubles data throughput from RAM to the memory controller. Dual-channel-enabled memory controllers utilize two 64-bit data channels, resulting in a total bandwidth of 128-bits, to move data from RAM to the CPU.

The motherboard memory controller, which regulates data flow between CPU and the system memory (RAM), determines the types and speeds of RAM as well as the maximum size of each individual memory module and the overall memory capacity of the system. There are many memory controller designs. Prior to 2003, the most common was the single-channel configuration. Among its advantages are its low cost and flexibility. When the memory is unable to keep up with the processor, however, a bottleneck occurs, leaving the CPU with nothing to process. Under the single-channel architecture, any CPU with a bus speed greater than the memory speed would be liable to fall prey to this bottleneck effect.

The dual-channel configuration alleviates the problem by doubling the amount of available memory bandwidth. Instead of a single memory channel, a second parallel channel is added. With two channels working simultaneously, the bottleneck is reduced. Dual-channel architecture takes existing RAM technology and improves the method in which it is handled. While the actual implementation differs between Intel® and AMD motherboards, the basic theory stands.

Modules rated at different speeds can be run in dual-channel mode, although the motherboard will then run all memory modules at the speed of the slowest module. Some motherboards, however, have compatibility issues with certain brands or models of modules when attempting to use them in dual-channel mode. For this reason, it is generally advised to use identical pairs of memory modules. Several motherboard manufacturers only support configurations where a matched pair of modules are used.

Dual-channel architecture is a motherboard technology and does not apply to memory modules. In other words, any matched pair of memory modules may support single and dual-channel operation provided the motherboard supports this architecture.

A matched pair of memory modules consist of:
  • Capacity (for example; 1024 MB). Certain Intel® chipsets support different capacity chips in what they call Flex Mode, the capacity that can be matched is run in dual channel the remainder runs single channel.
  • Speed (for example; PC5300). If the speed is not the same, the lower speed of the two modules will be used. Likewise, the higher latency of the two modules will be used.
  • Number of chips and sides (for example; 2 sides with 4 chips on each side).

Simple analogy of a single channel and dual channel
Total RAM = 1024 MB -> Suppose that 1 liter bottle

If the principle of Single Channel, will be 1 x 1024 MB (1 x 1 liter bottle with each of the mouth of the bottle, a total of 1 mouth of the bottle).
If the principle of Dual Channel, will be 2 x 512 MB (2 x 0.5 liter bottles at each of the mouth of the bottle, a total of 2 mouth bottles)

Well, each bottle's mouth was, given the hose diameter and the same water discharge, automatic bottle on Dual Channel will be quickly filled. So in conclusion, with the same RAM capacity but different chip configurations, will be faster data transfer path to the principle of Dual Channel.


                               Single Chanel RAM                            Double Chanel RAM

Terms of Dual Channel Memory RAM
For the condition that the memory can be run on Dual Channel Mode, needed the support of which is:

  1. Mobo (motherboard) PC / Laptop already support dual channel memory
  2. It takes two Memory Module (2 piece RAM) embedded in a computer chip RAM with the second note is identical matter

  • His capacity as large,
  • Its the same speed.
  • Its the same timing.
  • The same amount of its IC.
  • To ensure that the Dual Channel Mode can be active, you should use the RAM with the same brand, although for this condition is actually sometimes not needed.

RAM 1 and RAM 2 has the same specifications DDR2, 1GB, PC5300, 667MHz, and make sure the IC is also to be the same amount
3. To determine whether active RAM Dual Channel Mode, you can use CPU-Z to make sure.
Dual Channel Memory RAM

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